PROJEKT - Finca Son Bonafé I

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Type of useHousing
Type of commercializationPurchase
Type of propertyHouse
Kind of propertyFinca
Living area300 sqm
Plot size15.000 sqm
Number of rooms5
Number of bedrooms2
Number of bathrooms3
Constructed area375 sqm
Construction styleMassive
Quality of equipment/featuresLuxury
Purchase priceUpon request
PropNoPKM-157 Type of useHousing
Type of commercializationPurchase Type of propertyHouse
Kind of propertyFinca Postcode07313
CitySelva CountrySpain
Living area300 sqm Plot size15.000 sqm
Number of rooms5 Number of bedrooms2
Number of bathrooms3 Constructed area375 sqm
Construction styleMassive Quality of equipment/featuresLuxury
Purchase priceUpon request Currency
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Contact person

Mr. Elvis Rogers
Carrer del Gran i General Consell 19 Local D
07600 Illes Balears

Phone +34-871 18 08 47 Fax Email

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Property location
Property King Mallorca S.L.

Call us. We look forward to a personal conversation.

+34-871 18 08 47
Direct contact
Address Property King Mallorca S.L. Carrer del Gran i General Consell 19 Local D 07600 Illes Balears
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