What should you consider when advertising a property?

It is a good to clearly delineate the desired group of tenants already in the presentation, and to use the channels preferred by this customer in marketing. Otherwise, you risk long lines at the door or a long search for a suitable tenant, because the information about your property will not reach him very quickly.
An advertisement for the rental of real estate must contain a number of legally prescribed information. We will complete all missing data for you.
We coordinate and organize tours with potential tenants so that they take place efficiently and without additional time consumption for you.
The amount of rent that you specify in the ad is also important. It must be based on the local rent index. Together with you, we will determine a marketable and still profitable rent.


What are the main obligations of the property owner as a landlord?

The lessor is responsible for legal and factual defects on the leased property.
If the object of the lease is an apartment, the owner must hand it over according to the lease agreement in a condition that allows the tenant to use the apartment normally, in accordance with applicable norms and standards. He must also maintain the apartment and common areas in a residential or multi-apartment building in a condition that ensures the tenant's normal use of the apartment and common areas throughout the duration of the lease.
The condominium owner must immediately notify the manager of the conclusion or change of the lease agreement and inform him of the name of the tenant and the number of persons listed in the lease agreement. Until the moment of notification, the debtor of all claims arising from the management of the multi-apartment building is considered to be the condominium owner.
The owner must report the income from the rental relationship to the tax administration as part of his duty to pay income tax or corporate income tax.


Can a real estate agent help me hand over the apartment?

One of our basic tasks is the creation of an accurate handover report for the apartment. It contains a detailed record of the condition and equipment of all rooms, documented possible defects and recorded meter readings.

DOM DOMIS nepremičnine, Živa Logar s.p.

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Address DOM DOMIS nepremičnine, Živa Logar s.p. Celovška cesta 62 1000 Ljubljana
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